WALLA WALLA - 02.04.11
- Dettagli
- Data pubblicazione
01. My Love Will Not Let You Down
02. Promised Land
03. Hungry Heart
04. Adam Raised A Cain
05. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
06. The River
07. Tougher Than The Rest
08. Trapped
09. Badlands
10. Murder Incorporated
11. I'm Goin' Down
12. Cadillac Ranch
13. Brilliant Disguise
14. Downbound Train
15. Born In The U.S.A.
16. Dancing In The Dark
17. Born To Run
18. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out
19. Glory Days
20. My City Of Ruins
21. Detroit Medley
22. Twist & Shout
# Marco Melis on Lead Vocals
# Andrea Montecalvo On Bass
# Damiano Minucci On Lead Guitar